author = {" Mohsen BANAN "},
title = {" Externally Defined Body Parts (Body Part 15): Issues and Recommendations Prepared for the Electronic Mail Association (EMA) PRMD Operators' Committee "},
type = "Permanent Libre Published Content",
number = {"120023"},
institution = "Autonomously Self-Published",
month = {"April"},
year = "1993",
note = "\htmladdnormallink{}{}",
abstract = "This is a white paper that was prepared for the Electronic Mail Association
(EMA) PRMD Operators' Committee in 1993. The paper deals with problems and
risks associated with email attachments. While primarily in X.400 context, the
relevance to Internet Mail MIME attachments are also discussed. The abstract
topics of this paper have become very real as Email viruses and warms became
part of the email experience. Many of our recommendations of 1993, remain valid
even more than 10 years later.",
location = "/lcnt/lgpc/mohsen/permanent/teleCommunications/bodyPart15-1.3"